Want to make more money, keep it, and make it work for you?

Start your Journey To Millions today.

Dave Ramsey

“The smallest effort matters and makes a difference.”

-Danielle Steel, A Gift of Hope

Hello, friend!

Welcome to Journey to Millions!
Journey To Millions - Our Top Ten Personal Finance Mistakes That You Should Avoid
In my previous article about making more money, you watched how Elvin (my ex-boyfriend, now husband) struggled to help send his brother and sister to college while saving up for our dream wedding. Propelled by his burning passion to tie the knot, he took a leap of faith and used his creativity to maximize his earning potential; something that many of us can also do to augment one’s limited income.

It was a great success for Elvin, having his financial goals met, you might guess. But as anyone would agree, the road to millions is not without its own challenges, especially when the journey is shared by two in marriage.

In this article, you will discover our Top 10 Biggest Personal Finance Mistakes that we hope you would avoid.

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“Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Do you know?”

-Diana Ross

Setting Financial GoalsEssential to every journey is a destination. Ask any seasoned traveller and he/she will probably tell you how important it is to know exactly where you want to be at very specific points in time.

You set your dream destination and when you want to be there, to make your experience worthwhile.

You do this instead of walking aimlessly, wasting your precious time.

Now, the same is true for your Journey To Millions.

You have to know exactly where you want to be at very specific points in time.

You set your targets and when you want to achieve them.

So before we begin talking about budgeting, saving, investing, and all those stuff, let us first pin down your desired destination.

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